1/23/24: Holmdel Township now officially owns the 36 acres at Crawford Hill with The Horn Antenna which will be called the
Dr. Robert W. Wilson Park
Congratulations to CILU, FOHOS, Preserve Holmdel and the Holmdel Township Committee for all their efforts!
Green Acres funding is being applied for initial steps to make the property become a wonderful park here in Holmdel. See 2024-60 Holmdel Ordinance on township website.
Keep Cross Farm Park Natural
To our township's credit, Holmdel's Cross Farm Park has a great reputation in central New Jersey as having outstanding natural grass fields to play on. That is one reason why our soccer and lacrosse clubs continue to grow while other clubs are struggling. Our town should continue to maintain and enhance these great natural grass fields and avoid the potential long-term health and other detrimental effects that synthetic turf could have on both the players and our environment.

Current Threat
Rapid development of remaining township open space and increasing pressure for synthetic turf fields and lighting.